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  • Writer's pictureJesswilsonPT

Top Tips For Losing Fat (OVER 30's)

Over 30’s listen in…

Most people in their 30s live more sedentary lives than they did in their 20s—a lot more time sitting at desks and commuting to work. Those long work hours coupled with the responsibilities of adulthood and starting families leave less time for fitness than ever before. Worse yet: Your once-speedy metabolism starts to slow down which can lead to weight gain.

So what we saying


1. HIIT it hard

High-intensity interval training is one of the best workout solutions when you're short on time.

2.Follow a plan

Gone are the days when you can just show up at the gym and wing it. In your 30s, it's important to focus on balancing your workouts so you're hitting different body parts each workout. This way you aren't overworking a specific muscle group, which can cause injury. Another reason to have a plan: It'll mean you know what you're doing each day. If it's Tuesday, that means cardio plus upper-body strengthening. Family and work are less likely to derail you when you have it written down.

3.Get less competitive.

While it may sound counterintuitive (after all, some healthy competition may have helped you reach new workout heights in the past), your risk of injury is higher when you're in your 30s—particularly if you've scaled back on the consistency and intensity of your exercise habits.

4.Build in recovery

Not only is your body changing as you get older, with cell turnover not happening as fast as it once did, but all of those other demands and stressors in your life contribute to the slower recovery process

5. Lift weights at least twice a week.

You probably know that muscle mass declines with age. The average person loses about 1% of muscle mass each year starting in their early 30s. Lifting weights in your 30s will lead to healthier bones and stronger muscles, while benefiting other physiological systems that tend to decrease as we age. Bonus: Muscle burns fat, which means building more of it can help you get rid of any extra pudge that will want to accumulate during the next few decades.

6. Work the ROM.

It stands for range of motion these exercises are particularly important when you're in your 30s. "I tell my 30-something clients to add more motion to their movements," says Kelly. For example, you might squat to a low bench that takes you deeper than your usual squat. Try taking your push-ups all the way to the floor, or widening the grip on your lateral pull-downs, she says. "This helps you recruit more of your muscle fibers, so you'll build stronger, more metabolically active muscles and will be less prone to injuries when you do things like lift your groceries or your kids." (Try these stretches to keep a healthy range of motion.)


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