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  • Writer's pictureJesswilsonPT

How exercise helped me battle POSTNATAL DEPRESSION

Let me start with some stats.

Postnatal depression (PND). This occurs in about 1 in 10 mothers. It usually develops within the first four weeks after childbirth. However, it can start several months following childbirth. Symptoms, including low mood, last for much longer than with baby blues.

I new about 3 weeks after having my first child that something wasn't right. I knew i wasn't myself. I mean, amongst the chaos that is life with a newborn, i know things and hormones are everywhere, but me personally, I just wasn't myself. I did what we all do, i asked 'the google' and PND came up top with the symptoms I had. Which were as follows:

PND symptoms

The symptoms are similar to those that occur with depression at any other time. They usually include one or more of the following. In PND, symptoms are usually there on most days, for most of the time, for two weeks or more.

  • Low mood. Tends to be worse first thing in the morning, but not always.

  • Not really enjoying anything. Lack of interest in yourself and your baby.

  • Lack of motivation to do anything.

  • Often feeling tearful.

  • Feeling irritable a lot of the time.

  • Feelings of guilt, rejection, or not being good enough.

  • Poor concentration (like forgetting or losing things) or being unable to make a decision about things.

  • Feeling unable to cope with anything.

I didn't like this new version of me, I felt like an imposter in my own body. It was overwhelming reading all the info about PND and I felt ashamed and guilty for feeling this way. So I kept it in, gave myself a tough love talk and got on with it. As the weeks went on my symptoms got worse and I knew then that I needed help.

I spoke to my nearest and dearest first. It was very tough coming clean about my feelings and I was so scared that they would judge me for it. But as with most support networks, my grandmother (and even though she is from a different era) listened and came through and helped me take the first steps. I went to the doctors and had the discussions with the GP.

Why should you do anything about PND?

If you do nothing about the PND (or do not even know that you are depressed), you are likely to get better anyway in 3-6 months. Some people take longer. There are a number of reasons to ask for help:

  • To help yourself recover quickly. You need not feel like this. It is not a sign of weakness to admit that you are depressed.

  • To help your partner or family. If you are depressed, it can cause problems in your relationships, your job and life in general.

  • To help your child (or children). If you are depressed, your relationship with your baby may not be as good as it could be. You may not give as much attention to your baby as you would like to. As a result, your baby's development may not be as quick as it should be. There is evidence to suggest that developmental problems that occur in the baby because of a mother's depression may persist into adolescence.

What causes PND?

The exact cause is not clear. It does not seem to be due to hormone changes after you give birth. Any mother could develop PND, but women are more prone to develop it just after childbirth. The main cause seems to be stressful events after childbirth, such as feelings of isolation, worry and responsibility about the new baby, etc.

You may also be at greater risk of developing PND if:

  • You have had mental health problems in the past (including depression, previous PND, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia).

  • You have had previous treatment by a psychiatrist or mental health team.

  • You have had depression during your pregnancy.

  • Your family tends to suffer from PND.

  • You have had marital or relationship problems.

  • You have no close friends or family around you.

  • You have money troubles.

  • You have had physical health problems during pregnancy or following the birth, or if the birth was very difficult.

  • Your partner is depressed.

  • You have had a major life event recently (such as somebody in your family dying, or moving house).

  • You did not plan to become pregnant in the first place.

  • You were trying for a long time before you became pregnant.

However, in many cases, there is no apparent cause.


As I am a lover of exercise (I feel a huge part of my PND stemmed from having no control of my body and just severely comparing and disliking my body from where I used to be) and I knew taking control and moving again would help. I do not like the idea of medication (personal choice & reasons) and will only use this as a final resort. I decided I would speak with my family to try and arrange some help to free up some time for me. I got started with slowly beginning to work my pelvic floor and small amounts of core restore. I nourished my body with the right nutrients (drag in the other half and family to help here) and I expressed milk and organised for once a week on a set night (sometimes 2x per week) for him to go to one of the family so I could get that well deserved sleep. You will know when you are ready and when you are, go steady, be consistent and be patient-PROGRESS will be made!!!

EXERCISE SAVED ME (as cheesey as that sounds)⠀

The first picture is me, 3 months after having my second child and the second picture is me now. No fad diets or juice diets, just consistently hitting 3 sessions per week (weights and body weight) and I have still lived my life. The treats are still there and the days off are very much enjoyed. Balance is key. ⠀

3 months PP

Personally I still have a way to go with my goals, but I am super happy with my progress so far. Love your body and love yourself. Jess xxx ⠀

P.s postpartum or not, never forget how far YOU have come!!!!!!⠀⠀

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or you have already been diagnosed or you can just relate to this post and want some help, REACH OUT!

I honestly think exercise is hugely underrated and can help in a huge way.

So pop across to and have a mooch around and see how I took back control and how I recovered using a healthy nutrition plan & exercise plan!

I got you! You are not alone, Jess x

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